Tourist information center
Mures County photo gallery
Mures County geography <---------------
Trains time-table
Use the train station names in Romanian
Have some information about international Trains that across Romania. The name of the foreign stations must be written in the respective countries names with Latin letters.
Can be used the help option, for foreign countries you can use the Help option in parentheses.
In the case of the international trains, the time is considered the Bucharest time.
Local Information
Mures County
Tourist information center
Mures County photo gallery
Mures County geography <---------------
Romanian trains time-table (En, Ro, Fr)
Trains time-table
For the English and France Users
Use the train station names in Romanian
Have some information about international Trains that across Romania. The name of the foreign stations must be written in the respective countries names with Latin letters.
Can be used the help option, for foreign countries you can use the Help option in parentheses.
In the case of the international trains, the time is considered the Bucharest time.
Publication 1
All the papers accepted for presentation will be published in an abstracts book, Petru Maior University Press with ISSN number, recognized NURC (National University Research Council). This publication will contain tutorials, short papers and abstracts. A tutorial may have an unlimited number of pages. A short paper must have at least 5 pages. An abstracts must be up to 4 pages. An abstract can present a research in progress (research that is not finalized).
Camelia Ilies, Petru Maior University, RO
Marcel Bogdan, Petru Maior University, RO
Scientific Committee
Honorific Chairs
Florin Gheorghe Filip, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, RO
Liviu Marian,Petru Maior University,Targu Mures, RO
Calin Enachescu,Petru Maior University,Targu Mures, RO
Liviu Marian,Petru Maior University,Targu Mures, RO
Calin Enachescu,Petru Maior University,Targu Mures, RO