Prof. Dr. Ioan Dzitac, "Aurel Vlaicu" University, Arad, Romania
Prof. Dr. Cyrille Bertelle, Le Havre University, France
Academician Dr. Florin Gheorghe Filip, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Maarten van Steen, Vrije University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Calin Enachescu, Petru Maior University, Tg. Mures, Romania
Talk: "Theoretical foundation of active learning in neural computation."
Prof. Dr. Mihai Talmaciu, University of Bacau, Romania
Prof. Dr. Rodica Mariana Ion, Valahia University, Targoviste, Romania
Invited Speakers
Talk: "Applicative issues from self-organization systems based on social insects modeling"
Talk: “Epidemic-based generation of random networks”
Talk: "Theoretical foundation of active learning in neural computation."
Talk: "Mathematical Model for TSPP Drug-Delivery in Nanomedicine"
The list of Invited Speakers will be completed soon.
Camelia Ilies, Petru Maior University, RO
Marcel Bogdan, Petru Maior University, RO
Scientific Committee
Honorific Chairs
Florin Gheorghe Filip, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, RO
Liviu Marian,Petru Maior University,Targu Mures, RO
Calin Enachescu,Petru Maior University,Targu Mures, RO
Liviu Marian,Petru Maior University,Targu Mures, RO
Calin Enachescu,Petru Maior University,Targu Mures, RO